Automated Fluorescent Mineral Display
2018 Tucson Gem & Mineral Society (TGMS) show #1
There were seven TripleBright II UV lights in that display case, three LW370 and four SW. The T-25 Timer was used to cycle the UV lights in a 45 sec. sequence.
T-20 Timer Controlled Display
An automated fluorescent mineral display controlled by a UV SYSTEMS T-20 Timer. The specimens in the display are from Don Newsome’s personal collection. The display uses two SW TripleBright 3 UV lights and one LW370 TripleBright 3 lights plus three 20W incandescent lights all controlled by the T-20 Timer. The T-20 Timer also controls two turntables (on the middle shelf extreme left and right) and the turning calcite and willemite sphere in the Phosphorescent Demonstration Unit. The T-20 Timer can be custom configured for any sequence or duration.
Fluorescent mineral display at the Lora Robins Gallery of Design from Nature, University of Richmond, VA
The University of Richmond fluorescent mineral exhibit consists of 14 displays in a special room. UV SYSTEMS, Inc. provided 28 TripleBright 3 UV lights and a special T-22 Timer to control those UV lights. Each display has a SW and a LW370 TripleBright 3 UV light and some incandescent lights. When the green push-button is pressed the incandescent lights dim and the LW370 UV comes “on”. Then the LW370 go out and the SW UV comes “on”, and finally the LW370 comes back “on” so you have SW and LW370 at the same time. Then all UV goes “off” so you can see the phosphorescence of the minerals, then the incandescent lights slowly ramp up.