Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals
A special issue of the Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society. Volume 16, 1988-1989. 2nd Printing 1995. The information was compiled by Dr. Gerhard Henkel (deceased) and Edited by Earl Verbeek PhD. and Peter Modreski PhD. This 5 ½” x 9” paperback book has 91 pages, and one B&W photograph.
The "Henkel Glossary" was created out of the work of the late Dr. Gerhard Henkel. The editors reviewed and wrote the "Henkel Glossary" from the voluminous notes that Dr. Henkel made of the fluorescent response of minerals. Dr. Earl R. Verbeek and Dr. Peter J. Modreski are the co-editors. The "Henkel Glossary" is patterned after the "Glossary of Mineral Species" by Fleisher and Mandarino. The "Henkel Glossary" lists every mineral known to fluoresce from information up to January 1989. For every fluorescent mineral, it lists the chemical formula, the primary fluorescent colors, and under what wavelength (SW or LW). It also lists the number of locations represented in his files. This spiral bound book is recommended for every collector of fluorescent minerals.